Friday, June 14, 2013

The proper attitude

The proper attitude

In studying the works of Moshe Feldenkrais much was said that I did not understand. One of the themes that was presented frequently is that our central nervous system organizes the action of our musculature to move our bones in our interaction with our environment.  It is not that our muscles are tight or relaxed that give us problems but that our image that we learned on how our skeletal system moves may not be the best adaptation to our environment. By relaxed careful movements and attending to what is sensed to be better or more efficient we can improve our adaptation. Many of the exercises start with a usual movement and progress to a differentiation of the habitual to increase our movement picture. Things are done slowly with the least effort to increase the ability to sense what feels more efficient. What may be more efficient for you may not be efficient for me depending on where our movement image is at.  We are trying to improve the organization of how we move by play and attention (I know I am still not anywhere near any paragon of organization)

The tongue gets some attention in some of the movement exercises that I have done but no mention of a left tongue or that we have two tongues. Even though the tongue is largely comprised of a muscle if viewed with the image that it is a hydrostat it has more in common with the skeletal system than the musculature system. Playing with my tongue and paying attention to the discrepancies allowed me to discover my left tongue which I previously had no awareness of.  Having a movement image of two tongues is certainly different than one tongue but I think it is a more complete picture.

Playing with the eyes is done often but as far as I know Feldenkrais looked at the mind as one integrated whole instead of a dominant and subordinate sides. The interaction of how we relate and see others I did not explored deeply in the training. Playing with this function allowed me to discover that I only related to the right side of  peoples faces throughout my life until relatively recently. There has been a change in my movement picture/organization because of these discoveries.  What is the most interesting is the change in how I am able to greet people. I have the sense that I am not as defensive when I include my left side of face/eye and see the other person's left side of face/eye. In a way I protected my blind spot that I did not know was there. I feel there is an increased empathy in that I allow myself to see and feel more. I think I am still very defensive by nature and learned habits, and that I have still yet much to unlearn.

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